Hillary Clinton emphasizes the importance of Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Morgan Hunter Healthcare had the pleasure of being an exhibitor at the HIMSS14 Annual Conference & Exhibition this past week. The Keynote speaker on Wednesday evening was none other than Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. As the oft-rumored front-runner for the Democratic ticket in 2016, Clinton’s presence as a keynote speaker really underscored the importance and prestige of the HIMSS Annual Conference.
Clinton focused on the importance of electronic health records and IT infrastructure for much of her speech. “We are finally seeing the promise of electronic health records, leaving behind the outdated, obsolete, 20th century — in some cases 19th and 18th century — ways that records were kept,”
“What you have done over the last decades has given us the raw materials and the means for making decisions that can revolutionize healthcare, can improve not only lifespan but life quality,” said Clinton.”We are on the cusp of such extraordinary changes.”
Clinton also struck a bipartisan tone as she encouraged setting aside partisan battles and working towards a common good. “This country has had lots of disagreements. It’s not like we just, like in those drug commercials, where we just hold hands and dance through the meadows. We do need to have people who are looking for common ways of approaching problems using evidence but leaving their blaming, their gaming, their shaming, their point scoring at the door.”