As hospitals and other medical entities convert to EHRs, other operational changes will have to be made to insure the success of the EHR implementation. According to Margaret Amatayakul, a health information specialist, these changes will involve the way clinicians, and others, approach medical records and how they are used. Advantages of EHR One area… Read more »
Epic Systems manufactures software that aids healthcare facilities in the care of and data management for patients. This software is used by mid-size and large medical groups, hospitals, and integrated healthcare organizations. The company’s software is easily integrated and paired with other software management systems. This integrated software meets clinical requirements, provides financial and revenue… Read more »
Electronic health records have many advantages, but one of these advantages also poses a potential security threat to the facility and a patient’s privacy. The primary concern over increased file sharing is the creation of more access points for the highly sensitive data that healthcare entities manage. Digital data can have multiple access points, but… Read more »
Meditech’s Healthcare Information System (HCIS) is a suite of products that when integrated in a healthcare facility or hospital, it streamlines the care of patients through ease of data management and storage. The system is designed to capture, store, and display administrative and clinical data within a hospital, health system, or medical practice. What are… Read more »
Back in 2010, a task force convened by the HIMSS Health Information Exchange (HIE) Open Source Task Force focused on assessing how open source software was being used by HIE organizations. According to their definition, HIE refers to any ongoing exchange of electronic clinical information between organizations such as hospitals, physician offices, clinics, clinical research… Read more »
As the healthcare industry has accelerated the adoption of EMRs and HIS, the concept of a paperless system is no longer inconceivable. And as the industry evolves, the focus is now shifting towards the impact on the workflow as more and more information becomes available. The need to filter the information contextually to the provider/patient… Read more »
As the era of HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act) and healthcare reform continues, the IT component is crucially important for healthcare organizations that want to survive and thrive. An integral part of HITECH is the installation of Electronic Health Record Systems (EHRs), but only organizations that can demonstrate meaningful use… Read more »