You know it’s important to prepare answers to common questions before an interview. But are you prepared to answer them in a way that demonstrates your leadership abilities?
As a leading Healthcare IT staffing and consulting organization, Morgan Hunter Healthcare knows that today’s healthcare organizations want people with drive, whether or not you’re interviewing for a leadership position. So if you want to show a hiring manager that you’re different and have what it takes to hit the ground running, it’s important to communicate your leadership skills in answers to common questions. If you’re not sure how to do that, here are some responses to help you along the way:
What is your greatest strength?
“I pride myself on my interpersonal skills and my ability to manage conflicts in even the most difficult situations, whether it’s with fellow co-workers or customers. With 10 years of experience, I know how to listen and get to the heart of the matter, then work together with each side to come up with a resolution that everyone can agree on.”
What values are most important to you?
“I would say the value that’s most important to me is my integrity. Without it, nothing else matters. I demonstrate it each day in the work that I do by being honest and upfront with my co-workers and customers. I also follow through on my commitments. My reputation matters to me greatly and if I can’t do something, then I never promise it.”
How would your colleagues and team describe you?
“I believe they would say that I am driven and take a lot of initiative. I’m always motivated to go the extra mile for my manager and for my customers. There’s just something innate in me that pushes me to work really hard, often beyond what’s expected. For instance, here’s an example of this.” Then describe a recent work experience that highlights your motivation.
Explain a successful project you worked on recently.
“In order to get project X completed on time and on budget, I knew had to get stakeholder buy-in first. So I researched who would be most impacted and went to them individually to get their input before the project started. That way, we were able to avoid some common pitfalls and obstacles and ensure the outcome was as impactful as possible.”
Companies want to find leaders who take initiative, who are highly motivated to learn new skills, and who love bringing out the best in other people. So when answering these questions – and any others that you get – think about it through the filter of leadership. In other words, talk about what makes you a strong leader and the impact those abilities can have on a potential employer.
Need more help finding Healthcare IT opportunities
Contact Morgan Hunter Healthcare. We work with healthcare organizations throughout North America and have helped thousands of healthcare IT professionals prepare for interviews and find the next great opportunity in their careers. Contact us today to learn more.