Being the best professional in the office has many advantages. If you’re looking to get promoted, it puts you in a strong position to negotiate. If you plan to launch a search for a new healthcare IT job in the near future, it makes you more marketable. And if you’re concerned about job security, it enables you to become a critical contributor, one your company can’t afford to lose.
Becoming that indispensable employee, however, doesn’t happen overnight. How can you best go about it? Here are a few key tactics to consider:
Take initiative.
In many cases, IT tends to be reactive. But instead of waiting for something to go wrong and potentially escalate, strive to be proactive. Look for issues that are developing or could potentially happen, dig into researching them, and then devise workable solutions to prevent them. When you take the lead to move your company ahead, save money or stop possible headaches and hassles before they happen, your boss won’t want to lose you.
Always be learning.
Albert Einstein once said: Once you stop learning you start dying. This is true across all industries, but particularly in healthcare IT where new technologies are emerging on an almost daily basis and existing tools are always upgrading or changing. Even if you have extensive experience, you should always be learning and expanding your knowledge base and skill set with new ones that will keep you relevant and in-demand at work.
Don’t isolate.
People tend to identify with and remain within their own teams and departments. This is especially true in IT. However, at the end of the day, all employees are working toward the same goal. And you’ll be a stronger team member – and a bigger asset – when you regularly interact with and forge ties with those outside IT. So attend those brown bag lunches, go to after-work social hours, and get to know someone new at the next organizational event. When you do, you’ll benefit both your career and your company.
Focus on the essentials.
Too many times, team members grumble and complain when they have to shift gears or take on an unexpected IT project. This simply puts more strain on management and reflects poorly on those employees. Instead, be reliable, easy to work with and have a good attitude when it comes to change and flexibility.
Ready to become indispensable in a new healthcare IT jobs?
Contact Morgan Hunter Healthcare. We’ll spend the time getting to know you, your IT background and your career aspirations, all so we can connect you with opportunities that are the best fit for you. Search our healthcare IT jobs now or contact us today to learn more.