The rapidly evolving job market of 2020 – and the unpredictable effects of the pandemic – have many healthcare organizations struggling to find the right caliber of healthcare IT talent.
Yet, despite the uncertainty, you can still improve your chance of finding skilled candidates through a number of simple tips—allowing you to maintain a competitive edge.
1: Make sure tech candidates know who you are.
If your organization is a large corporation, this might not be an issue. But if you’re a smaller or mid-size clinic, your organization likely doesn’t have as much name recognition among tech talent. That’s a problem. How do you overcome it? Get involved in local tech events, Meetup groups, workshops, hackathons, and even consider sponsoring your own tech recruiting event.
2: Market your company.
Another way to raise awareness about your company is to market it. When you advertise locally, you’re gaining name recognition among potential candidates. Once they see your company name a few times, it will start to stick.
3: Develop an employee referral program.
If your organization doesn’t have a referral program, now’s the time to start one. Your existing IT team, as well as employees in other departments, are one of your best sources for new talent.
4: Promote the benefits.
Why should top Healthcare IT talent want to work for you? Make sure you know how to sell your opportunity and your organization to tech candidates. That means being able to talk up essentials, such as innovation, benefits and scheduling flexibility.
5: Have a long-term strategy in place.
If you want to recruit effectively, you can’t fly by the seat of your pants every time you’re looking to hire. That’s why it’s so important to have a long-term strategy in place. This includes developing and honing a persuasive employer brand, as well as defining target candidates, sourcing avenues, and closing approaches.
6: Boost engagement.
Today’s workplace seems to be a revolving door. And, considering the cost involved in recruiting, hiring and training, losing key talent can seriously hinder business efficiency. That’s why a retention strategy is just as important as a recruiting one. You need to keep your grass green so top tech talent wants to stick with you.
7: Call in the experts.
Don’t have the time or resources for recruiting? Call in the experts at a Healthcare IT staffing and consulting agency. Reputable agencies already have a network of qualified Healthcare IT Consultants in place and can make a difference in how quickly you’re able to recruit and hire top talent.
Interested in learning more about how a Healthcare IT staffing agency can help you?
Connect with the team at Morgan Hunter Healthcare. As one of the leading Healthcare IT staffing agencies, we specialize in finding and placing Healthcare tech talent, from Chief Information Officers to Desktop Support. All candidates are rigorously screened by our team to ensure their technical compatibility, and to identify the personality traits that will allow them to blend smoothly into your organization. Contact us today to learn more.